
Your energy field or auric field is something that everyone has. Most people are unaware of how important it is to protect and clear you energy field daily. Our energy fields interact constantly with the energy of others. It's not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people.  Not clearing and protecting your energy can make you feel tired, drained, anxious, stressed, angry, unbalanced and even sick. You can pick up negative energy from multiple places. From co-workers, from customers, from family, and from friends. Even on the phone and even through text messages you can pick up someone else's negative energy.  Our auras or energy can also harbor the energies of unwanted thought forms (such as negative self-images and negative self-talk) and unprocessed emotions. Drugs (prescribed or not), alcohol and even food can also taint your energy. I am sure everyone has encountered the experience of walking into a room where two people where just having a heated discussion or fight.  You can feel the tension and you might even feel the sadness, frustration or anger of the people involved. Another example is that trusted friend who is going through a divorce and is in a state or worry and anxiety and looks to you for guidance and comfort. Now that energy and experience is coming into your energy field. You might feel tired, drained or even experience the worry and anxiety that you friend was expressing to you.  But you don't want it and you definitely do not want to carry it with you, so what to do?

Below are a couple of suggestions that haveworked for me.


cleaning with water and sea salt

Water is a great way to clean your energy field. Taking a bath with sea salt and visualizing it as a golden bath of light will remove negative energy that is not yours. No time to soak in the tub, no worries, you can simply us the same technique. Visualize shower water coming out of the nozzle as beautiful, sparkling white light and see it washing away the unwanted energy. You can then use the sea salt as a scrub, which will aid in removing energy and make you skin soft and smooth.

using sage to smudge

The smudging ritual is a Native American one, where smoke from dried white sage is used to cleanse the aura. Smudge sticks are available from most New Age shops or online stores. Light the end of the stick and wait until the flame goes out. The stick will be left smoldering and producing smoke. Now waft the stick around your body, reaching up and down and front and back as far as you can (without doing yourself an injury!) The smoke will cleanse your energy as it penetrates your energy field.

crystals and gemstones

Healing Crystals and Gemstones are one of the most beautiful, mystical and profound "energy medicine" tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures. Crystals and gemstones bring amazing benefits to the healing and protecting your auric field. There are many different properties and uses for crystals and gemstones. Doinga little research on which one works for you will be well worth it. Make an intention for the crystals and stones to remove and protect your energy. You can place the stones on your body or simple hold it in your left hand and ask the negative energy to be removed. Carry a piece of crystal or gemstone in your pocket to keep your energy field grounded and balanced during the day. You can also wear a necklace or ring made with your favorite crystal or stone. Placing stones around your home is also a great way to protect and clear unwanted energies.  


Using the Vibration of Sound to clear Negative Energy

Another suggestion that can assist in cleansing a space of Negative energies is using the vibration of sound.  Sound works much like the smoke used during smudging.  The sound vibrations absorb the negative energy vibration, picking it up and carrying it away into the ethers where it is transmuted into vibrations of love and positive energy. Simply putting on your favorite song and singing along will disperse the energy.  Chanting or even mediations of chants will accomplish the removal and clearing of all negative energies.

Essential Oils

Pure essential oils contain potent properties for cleansing and clearing energy. Negative or stagnant energy cannot exist in the presence of oils with highly astringent properties. Use a dilution of purified water and a couple of drops of essential oil as a perfumer body mist for clearing negative & stagnant energy and to protect you from picking up negative energy. You can also purchase an essential oil diffuser for you home, add a couple drops of oil to achieve the same effects. For a general all-purpose cleaner use a mixture of water and essential oils to clean walls, doors and floors. Energy Clearing will enhance and charge the atmosphere with positive life force energy as clears negative energy. Pay especial attention to corners and thresholds. Please make sure you always test a small drop of essential oils on your skin first and wait twenty four hours to make sure you are not allergic to it. Please keep away from your eyes. Please also remember that essential oils can harm animals, so please be aware when diffusing in you home.  There are many different essential oils with different properties, which can aid with emotional aspects of the mind and physical issues of the body. It is worth it to do the research to see what works best for you.

 A few recommendations on which oils to try are:

  • Frankincense

  • Sandalwood

  • Jasmine

  • Peppermint

  • Lavender

  • Lemon

  • Myrrh

  • Red or Virginia Cedar

  • White sage

  • Juniper

  • Cypress

  • Yarrow